Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lawn Ornaments

We have quite a few four-legged lawn ornaments to keep us entertained... These guys seem to be doing their jobs well, as there are no signs of field mice anywhere in the house. So, I guess they could be considered lawn-ornaments with benefits.

Cat Number One... Appears to be the ring-leader.

Cat Number Two... Accomplice...

Cats Numbers One and Two staking out the deck...

Cats Numbers One & Two Being Lazy Lawn Ornaments

Cat Number Three... Outcast & constantly picked-on by One & Two... Doesn't like cameras.

Cat Number Four... Elusive & Cunning

And then, we have the four-legged lawn ornaments we didn't really expect, at least not in broad daylight. There were at least 20 deer prancing around & bouncing over fences in the back field when we arrived on Sunday morning. They hung around for a good hour, munching on grass & whatever is finally growing over there. (Glad we didn't seed any of the fields yet.) I don't mind them much now. They are nice to watch. But when we start seeding fields, I will be hanging wind-chimes and scare-crows all over the place.

Lots o' Bouncy Deers

Spring Is Here!

We have cherry blossoms & daffodils, folks!

Three Different Kinds of Daffodils Under The Big cherry Tree in the Front Yard
Still waiting for the big cherry tree in the front yard to bloom. From the look of the buds, the flowers may be pink. The blossom petals are just peaking out of their little buds, so they should pop soon!

Lone cherry tree along the fence in the back field is blooming!

So dainty...
So pretty...

And after I ogled all the new prettiness around us (and failed to do it justice by photos), Mike decided he had to drive around the barn yard, through my last photo of the day... just 'cause he could.

Sunset over the back field with lone cherry tree & the front yard cherry tree sheltering the daffodil bed.